Saturday 24 April 2021




Cradle Mountain is located in the Cradle Mountain -St Claire National Park and is about 2.5 hours from Launceston and 4.5 hours from Hobart. There is good accommodation and easy access. Cradle Mountain is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a magical place.

Map Courtsey of Tasmania Parks & Wildlife Service

Dove Lake & Cradle Mountain

Dove Lake,Lake Lilla, Crator Lake to Ronny Creek
This walk is a little tougher than the Dove Lake Circuit but worth the you get great views of Dove lake, lake Lilla and then Crator Lake, the Crater Lake Falls and the plains down to Ronny Creek.

Lake Lilla, Wombat Pond, Crater Lake To Ronny 

A good place to stay is Peppers Cradle Mountain Lodge

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