Saturday, 24 June 2017

Petrified Forest-High Desert Wonder In Arizona

The Petrified Forest is operated by the National Parks service and sits across Interstate 40 near Holbrook  in Northern Arizona. Old route 66 runs nearby. There is a 28 miles road through the park and many stopping points with short  walking trails. To the north east of the park near the exit is the Painted Desert and old Route 66.

If you are considering accommodation look to Holbrook, Flagstaff or Gallup in New Mexico.

The petrified fossils and rocks go back 225 million years and you can see numerous examples  in the high desert of the park which is over 5000 feet high. The scenery is magnificent.

Examples of the rocks in the park

More examples of the rocks and scenery

Something from the Old Route 66 Days

The Painted Desert

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