Friday 14 July 2017

Myvatn Iceland

Myvtan-Hot Springs, Volcanic Lakes , Boiling Mud ,  Fumaroles and Extinct Volcanoes . 
It Has It All
June 2017
Map Courtesy of Mvytan Nature Baths

Mývatn is located a volcanic lake in northern Iceland some 100 kilometres south of the Arctic circle.  A short distance away, near Námafjall Mountain, is Hverir, a hot-springs area with boiling mud pots and fumaroles. Nearby is the Myvtan Nature Baths that you can soak in hot alkaline baths.The major towns nearby are Akureyri or Egilsstadir. Allow time here as there is a lot to see and do.
For accommodation options check this link.

Thermal Area

Hot Mud

Fuming Fumeroles

Hot Nature Bath

An Extinct Volcano

The Lake From The Volcano

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