Monday, 7 August 2017


It may have been the altitude (3,400 metres), or the charming Peruvian waitress that said she would be moving to Australia, or I had jet lag, or eaten too much ceviche served by the same  Peruvian waitress who seemed unfazed by the altitude in Cusco Peru or it could have been the altitude but there again I am repeating myself but the best Pisco Sour ever was at the bar and the restaurant at the 
J W Marriort El Convento in Cusco.

The Recipe

1. A Peruvian waitress
2.60 ml of Pisco
3. 30 ml of lemon juice
4. egg white
5.Ice and a cocktail shaker
6.A dash of bitters
7. Shake and pour into an old-fashioned glass preferably by a Peruvian waitress
For those that are interested Pisco is a brandy like liquor distilled from grapes and has some 30-40% alcohol and started with the Spanish in Peru in the 16th century and believed to have been named after the town of Pisco.
After three or four at 3,400 meters who cares!
I never did know whether the waitress ever reached Australia

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