Saturday 21 November 2020

Murray Sunset National Park



The Murray Sunset National park is one of the few remaining semi-arid regions of the world where the environment is relatively untouched and you can see nature at its best with few people, if any around.

Getting There

Map Courtesy of Parks Victoria

The Murray Sunset national Park is in northwest Victoria between Ouyen and Mildura. Access is via the Calder Highway . Travel west from Ouyen some 60 km on the mallee Highway and turn off at Linga and travel some eight km on a dirt track north to the Pink Lakes area.The road is dry-weather and suitable for 2WD. The park is the laregst national park in Victoria and is 530 km from Melbourne and 340 km from Adelaide.When at the Pink Lakes use the Pioneer Drive for the best views.

Map courtesy of Parks Victoria

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