Saturday 29 August 2020




Only a few kiolmeters south of Melbourne by water across Hobson's Bay Williamstown was first surveyed in 1803 . It was not until 1835 that John Batman explored the Yarra River and Melbourne was formed. In 1838 a stone jetty was built by convicts (where Gem Pier now stands)  and in 1849 a blue stone light house was built at Point Gellibrand, now the historic Time Ball Tower.In 1855 fortifications were built at Pt Gellibrand  with concern of invasion by Rusians    ( the remains are still there). By 1864 there 26 hotels in Williamstown and many still remain.

          Nelson Place where Stanley Kramer filmed  various scenes in his 1959 movie                          "On The Beach"

Time Ball at Pt Gellbrand

HMAS Castlemaine at Gem Pier
The City ofMelbourne From Gem Pier
Looking Towards Nelson Place From Gem Pier

Morning Star Hotel
Mechanics Institute Dates Back to 1860

Historic Rose of Australia Hotel

Wiilamstown beach opposite side from Hobsons Bay

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